2nd Anniversary and Anthro Inspired Gift...

I can't believe it has been 2 Years since I married my best friend.  Actually, 2 years and one week :).  It has been a great 2 years and we have a baby and a puppy as a result.  I would say we have done a pretty good job!!! However, our 10 week old seems to be using up all my brain cells.  I can no longer remember things like I used to...including our anniversary.  It snuck up on me this year. That didn't leave much time for me to figure out a gift.  Good thing we aren't huge on the gift giving!!  I did however see this cool mirror on the Anthropologie website and thought I could re-vamp it into a pretty cool anniversary gift.    
$170 was a Tad over my budget!

 My thought was to find a cheap mirror and modge podge pictures from the last 2 years around the frame of the mirror.  Well I couldn't find a mirror that I liked for a reasonable price...so it was on to idea #2.  I ended up buying a picture frame for $12 at JoAnn's, using Picnik to shrink my photos, modge podging them to the frame and then adding a monogram letter to the middle of the frame.  I removed the glass and bought a wooden F (for Fox)...spray painted it...and then attached it to the frame with eye hooks and picutre hanging wire so it looked like it was floating...I was impressed by my results!!!  Take a look:)

Picture kinda stinks...trying to multitaks while holding Baby E:)
Hope you enjoy!!!  I think the total project cost me $20 max!

A New Beginning!

Soooooooooo....things have changed around here!  I decided I needed to do a major overhaul on my blog.  I just felt that my name and page didn't reflect who I was and needed an update.  I enlisted the help of Trendy Girl Designs to get a template...because I spent WAY to many hours trying to figure out how the heck to get my template to look the way I wanted.  I set up a Facebook Page and a Twitter account....now to start bloggin' it up!  Please be patient with me as I figure all this stuff out and get a consistent blogging schedule that works for me and Baby E.  I hope you all enjoy my posts and will share me with your friends.  

Please visit me over at Inspired By Sarah  today!!